Although people might have judged my dad as being a man of a few words, I on the other hand, have obviously seen him on the complete contrary. Sure perhaps you can say that whatever traits you can see through me exist in him as well. Talkativeness, sociableness and very laughable. When he sees people he knows, like his friends or relatives outside, he wears a genuine smile and approaches them. Sometimes my mom gets really annoyed by his social needs because he would take a very long time to finish socializing, but I can understand it. Anyway, despite these traits, my dad is still a man of a few words as a father. This shouldn't be confused with what you call; a lack of communication. Not at all. It's just that my dad speaks minimal, but despite this, he has his ways to get through me and my sisters. By asking how we are doing, by sending us emails on certain virtues and learning points and he understands without even saying so much (this can be seen especially when my mom and me don't agree on something).
Yesterday I had a pretty good conversation with my dad while we were all heading to Geylang. I can humbly say that my dad is humbly knowledgeable man and me, being me, always try to ask questions and see how well he can answer them. And of course he never fail to amaze me and the family. Sadly to say, because my dad is a man of a few words, there were times when I mistook this trait as being unable to communicate effectively and because of that, I always associate this to the idea of unaffection. But I was wrong. When he spoke those words that not only opened my mind but also opened up my rapport with my dad, I see it all. Affection, compassion, love. Everything I see in how a father should be, and I'm here to say that I wouldn't trade him for anyone else in place of a father.
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