A word's just a word
Till you mean what you say
And Love isn't love
Till you give it away
We've all got a give
Yeah something to give to make a change
* * *
Can't seem to make myself go to bed, in an hour's time I have to get ready for school, starts at 10 today.
How I exactly killed time from 6 am till now;
- Clean the laptop (it's white hence easily dirtied)
- Figure out the wireless bluetooth application in the laptop
- Transferred songs I'm currently hooked to from laptop to handphone via bluetooth
- YouTube-ing
- Practise verbal french - but this is of no use because whatever that I speak are simple stuffs nyehhh.
And you know what I realised? Throughout the period of time I had unfortunately fell sick, which was about a week plus by the way, I have spent most of the time having my eyes plastered on the tv screen.
Movies I've watched within a week (or so):
- You've Got Mail
- X-Men
- Bee Movie
- Horton
- 27 Dresses
- Pizza My Heart
- Mona Lisa's Smile
- Premonition
- The Proposal
I bet I watched more than that, just several movies I can think of right now which are mostly the mainstream ones. Totally wasted! I mean I can't really blame myself because all you want to do when you're sick is to pathetically lie down, but do you realise how much time is wasted when you fall sick? So lesson learnt is never, ever fall sick. And knowing that this can be pretty unattainable at times, then let's hold dearly to the classic advice that prevention is better than cure.
It has been a week since we had our first stats tutorial and we already have to form project groups and hand up our experiment proposal by next Monday. Talk about time catching up on us (it's week 4 OMG). But I enjoyed the group meeting we had yesterday nonetheless. It'll be our first attempt in conducting a research experiment within the tutorial group and we decided to carry out an experiment on how colour aids one's memory and ability to retain information. We had a grueling time trying to work within the hypotheses though. Please let it work!
Oh gonna be a long day today with lectures and tuition after that. By the way I got through yesterday! *beams
Hmm what shall I wear today??
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