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One Sweet Day

Listening to Mariah Carey's old songs like Forever, One Sweet Day (with Boys II Men), Always Be My Baby, When I Saw You etc feels really good. I really like her Daydream album.

I reckon I should purchase my 832938290th earpiece after the previous disappearance of my samsung earpiece. That way I won't stone in long bus rides, which really rots the brain just thinking about nothing. Better to get groovin' to some music.

Last night I laid on the crazy spinning saucer that can be found in various playgrounds at bb with eva & ais and we were staring out into the nightsky. We delved into a random conversation concerning the stars and I wondered out loud if stars can actually move. Just when I uttered those last few words, a star jumped from its initial position to another for what seemed like 2 seconds. And it wasn't just me, the three of us saw that! How could three pairs of eyes be seeing things? So I take it as an answer from above (:

Oh, and while I had nothing to do in the bus, I had to look at this dorky guy, which I happened to be attracted to. Pourquoi pas?

Michael Cera is dorky! And me likey!



  1. hahaha you mentel eh! ;P

    i think stars should move kan?? haha.. sometimes if i cannot sleep, i just look out the window and look out for stars. :)

    miss ya babe, see ya soooooon! come i blanja u eat naan..


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