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Showing posts from October, 2020

Living day-by-day, week-by-week

It has been an incredibly different year, and now we are seeing second waves in many parts of the country. The summer was great while it lasted, and now as I'm writing this, it is a gloomy, cool, rainy season. It's been raining cats and dogs for a week now, so I haven't been stepping out of my house as much. With the surge of cases, there will be stricter measures put in place as well, so it's been difficult to make plans ahead. If it is anything that defines the year, it is really about living life day-by-day, week-by-week. Taking life one step at a time. And despite so, life tries to go by as per normal. And once again I'm feeling another season of uncertainty, lack of motivation for constant self-directed behaviour and keeping up with energy. Maybe it is the turnover of season, with shortening of daylight hours, maybe it's my job, and maybe it is the effects of using social media, making me feel like my simple life is boring and pales in comparison, being awa