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Showing posts from February, 2013

Gift of a day

There are days that call for celebration, and there are days that call for grief. While we have newborns every day, there are those that pass on every day as well. At the end of the day, we need to be reminded that we are placed in this world and we are given this life, to live. Regardless of how short or long our stay here may be. I have learnt that as you get older, birthdays are no longer about presents and wishing you get to eat a delicious cake, but it's about realizing the gift of a day. It is about waking up and realizing how blessed it is to be alive and well. And to be able to see the morning Sun, and the faces of the very people you are living your life for. And for that, I am thankful. Cherish your loved ones, never intentionally hurt them, and always tell them how much you appreciate them, be it through actions or words. Because having to live one more day, is a gift.
My deepest condolences to the family. I hope that I have done the best that I could within my professional means to help. May you rest in peace. - It has been an emotionally draining day. Dear God, please grant me resilience during this period of time. Ameen.

True strength

Something worth sharing. "We each have a different kind of strength. Some of us are able to persevere against hopeless odds. Some are able to see light in a world of darkness. Some are able to give selflessly with no thought of return, while others are able to bring a sense of importance into the hearts of those around them. But no matter how we exhibit strength, its truest measure is the calm and certain conviction with which it causes us to act. It is the ability to discern the path with heart, and follow it even when at the moment we might wish to be doing something else. True strength is not about force, but about conviction. It lives at the center of belief where fear and uncertainty cannot gain a foothold. Its opposite is not cowardice and fear, but confusion, lack of clarity, and lack of sound intention. True strength does not require an adversary and does not see itself as noble or heroic. It simply does what it must without praise or need of recognition. A perso

One of life's greatest pleasures

Have you ever had ideas, on the verge of bursting within you, waiting and ready to be shared with another? I think one of the best kinds of pleasure is having the best, deserving recipient of your ideas you can share them with. It has to be one of the greatest pleasures, doesn't it? The journey these ideas are making, from the hidden and private corners of your mind, and finally spilling onto the external world where there is a possibility of rejection and dismissal, brings catharsis to a whole new dimension. It is a journey which requires a whole lot of trust. Trust that your ideas are heard and valued. It is a bonus if they are even built up on as well. If you have experienced this moment of shared enjoyment, you are indeed blessed. For this is something, I would seek highs and lows for.

Finding our way back Home

It is in our very nature, as human beings, to have desires. We yearn for so many things, it is impossible to list down all the possible wants of mankind. Generally, we yearn for and we aspire towards perfection and beauty, we love the notion of eternity, we want to experience eternal bliss, and to be in a state of tranquility, free of internal turbulence and worries. We want good things to last forever and we want to be free of hardships. These desires, I believe, are inherent within us. Look at how we naturally gravitate towards things or people which/who we think can fulfill these desires. Indeed sometimes, we are lucky to have found the providers for our wants and needs, but sometimes, it is either we are never completely satisfied, or we are always wanting more and something better, or we never learnt how to appreciate with what we have. We are always on this slippery slope where we either fall into the pits of disappointments or we struggle to trek on this uphill slope to fulfil

Way of life

"Hate no one, no matter how much they have wronged you. Live humbly, no matter how wealthy you've become. Think positively, no matter how hard life is. Give much, even if you have been given little. Keep in touch with the ones who have forgotten you, and forgive who has wronged you, and do not stop praying for the best for those you love." - Ali Ibn Abi Talib

A day to remember

There are different levels and different forms of unpredictability in different jobs. I suppose mine came in the outcomes of my recommendation, and the next thing I know, I had to be present in the open court to be cross-examined by the prosecution the day right after the holiday. Today is definitely a day to remember because it is my first big hurdle in this job and definitely my first time taking the stand to be cross-examined. And to be accountable for the very words I say before the honourable judge and the public as they will have an impact in someone's future. I am thankful to be able to learn so much in this job no matter how steep the learning curve may be now. And of course, the part I like best, is meeting my clients :)