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Showing posts from June, 2012


Her Walmart series are seriously the awesomest. Jump start my kaleidoscope heart, Love to watch the colors fade, They may not make sense, But they sure as hell made me. I won't go as a passenger, no Waiting for the road to be laid Though I may be going down, I'm taking flame over burning out Compare, where you are to where you want to be, and you'll get nowhere.


I'm beginning to value my weekends more than ever. You see, when you jump straight from school and do an internship (which pays you just enough to cover your lunch) and experience the time constraints as a result, you really need to hold dear to your weekends. I love the weekends. It's about the only time you can catch up with your loved ones properly and give undivided attention. And most importantly, you can catch up with yourself. It doesn't really have to be anything remarkably adventurous or exciting. It could be a similar itinerary every week but what's important is you love and enjoy every moment spent with whoever you're spending your weekend with. It could be sitting in front of the tv watching Sheldon Cooper's pesky antics. It could be discovering how your sibling has similar music taste as you. It could be jogging around a nice park in attempts to burn some calories to get back in shape. It could be picking up a book that was put away and trying to

This too, shall pass

The heart is a confusing, altering thing. No state is forever. No state of bliss lasts forever. But no state of pain does either. They all pass. So if you experience happiness, ask Allah to make it forever in jennah. And if you experience sadness, ask Allah to make it a means of purification and elevation for you. And know that this too shall pass.  -Yasmin Mogahed

Your folding chair

Maybe one day you will understand I don't want nothing from you but to sweetly hold your hand Till that day just please don't be so down Don't make frowns, you silly clown Just come and open up your folding chair next to me My feet are buried in the sand and there's a breeze There's a shadow, you can't see my eyes And the waves are just a frothier version of the skies


Back in 2007, a friend gave me this sophisticated notebook as a birthday present. It's pretty heavy and big (slightly smaller than an A4 size) for your typical handheld notebook. It's black and it has a hard cover. At the front, there's a very simple design; three birds perched on a tree. Minimalist at its best; just the way I like it. It's funny how I didn't discover a small note at the back of the book till today! She wrote, "Utilize this notebook as much as possible". I haven't utilized it well for the past 5 years though. I've scribbled some journal entries; about 2-3 emotion-filled entries, and a list of New Year resolutions. And that's about it. I was totally non-committed to it, leaving it to collect dust in my drawer. Let's just say that today, I've found a purpose for this book.